Our Final Introductory Letter

Clarification and Corrections: This entry was revised in an effort to achieve clarity and/or maintain accuracy.

Dear Occucratists,

We’ve arrived at the point of our final letter. Those of you, who’ve followed the party since day one, have seen how our web presence has evolved, however, there hasn’t been much improvement in regards to our primary domain. Today, I will change that by releasing new Occu-vist.org.

Unfortunately, construction is still underway, but this is the starting point of what will become the official design. Being that initial expectations weren’t met in my attempt to gather introductory suggestion, this might be a good time to request your suggestions on a different matter, that is, the new website. You’re welcome to contact us with any suggestion you might have regarding the site. I only ask that you use “Occu-vist.org” as the subject of your message.

Today marks a new era for the party and what better way to celebrate than to capture the concerns of the Occucratist. With this in mind, the question now becomes: How would you feel about participating in a short political survey? It’ll only consume about 10 minutes of your time and the responses will only be used  for the betterment of our services. You can get started by clicking on the “Take our Survey” tab on the left side of your screen.

Please keep in mind: We’ll be taking down some of the webpages on Occucrats dot-org and moving them over to primary domain. You’re encouraged to make it a habit of visiting primary domain, because that site will eventually become the gateway to our new internet presence. Remember: Your support is welcomed.